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Game rules

Casino Hold'em

The game is played with a standard 52 card deck.


You can start the game by placing an ANTE bet. To do so, select the chips of your choice and place them on ANTE. The chips have a value of € 0,10, € 0,50, € 1,00, € 2,00, € 5,00, or € 10,00. The sum of the value of all placed chips is the total bet. Please note that, when placing an ANTE bet, you'll need to call after the flop to be able to win eventually. Calling means placing another bet, of which the value is twice the value of your ANTE bet. Your total bet after the Call will be three times your initial bet.

The minimal initial bet (ante) is € 0,10, the minimal total bet after a call is € 0,30.
The maximum initial bet (ante) is € 100,00, the maximum total bet after a call is € 300,00.

After the bet has been placed, you can start the game by clicking DEAL. Now both the dealer and the player receive two cards. The dealer's cards are not visible for the player.

The AA side bet is optional. Here, you bet on whether the first five cards dealt (your two cards plus the first three table cards) will include a pair of Aces or better. The AA side bet's pay according to the AA-Win pay table(see below). AA side bet's can only be placed when you've made an Ante bet. Please note that AA-bet wins do not count when you fold after the flop (first three cards on the table).


Both player and dealer receive two cards (the dealer’s cards are hidden) and there will be three cards on the table. These are the first five cards. At this point you can decide if you want to continue the game and play further (call) or to stop the game (fold). A Call comes with an additional bet that is twice the value of your initial bet. When you fold, you lose your first bet.

After a Call, the dealer deals two more cards on the table, so there are five cards on the table. For both player and dealer, the highest five cards count. The player and dealer make their best five card poker hand from their own two personal cards and five table cards.

The player's hand is compared with the dealer's. The dealer must have a pair of fours or better to qualify. If the dealer does not qualify, the Ante bet pays according to the AnteWin pay table and the Call bet is a push (stand off). If the dealer qualifies, and the player's hand is better than the dealer's, the Ante bet pays according to the Ante-Win pay table (see below) and the Call bet pays 1 to 1 (so the return will be twice the value of the bet). If the dealer qualifies, and the dealer's hand is equal to the player's, all bets are pushed (it doesn't win or lose). If the dealer qualifies, and the dealer's hand is better than the player's, the player loses all bets.

The AA side bet is optional. Here, you bet on whether the first five cards dealt (your two cards plus the first three table cards) will include a pair of Aces or better. The AA side bet's pay according to the AA-Win pay table(see below). AA side bet's can only be placed when you've made an Ante bet.

After a (game)round, you can choose to place a new bet via ‘new bet, or to repeat your previous bet via 'rebet'. The rebet button will automatically result in placing the bet.


Below you’ll find the bet-win ratio. When you place a € 1,00 bet and win with a Flush (2:1), your win will be € 2,00 and your return will be € 3,00 (€ 2 + € 1). When you win with a Straight (1:1) your win will be equal to your bet. After a € 2,00 bet, your win will be € 2,00 as well and your total return will be € 4,00.

ANTE wins (wins for ANTE bets)
Royal Flush 100:1
Straight Flush 20:1
Four of a Kind 10:1
Full House 3:1
Flush 2:1
Straight or lower 1:1
AA wins (wins for a bet on Ante)
Flush or higher 25:1
Pair of Aces to straight 7:1
CALL wins (wins for bets on Call)
Hand higher than the dealer 1:1

In case of malfunction of the games' software or hardware, all plays and prizes will be void and bets will be refunded. Please contact the gaming website's customer service when experiencing any malfunctions in the game.